Articles & Blogs Cavesons: A Bridle Essential
As a horse trainer with saddle seat, driving, and hunter-type horses, the caveson is an essential training and performance element of the work or show bridle. By definition, a caveson is the part of a bridle that passes over the animal’s nose and serves as a functional and effective tool to keep a horse’s mouth closed and help with head carriage. At Freedman’s, we offer a wide variety of show and work cavesons. From the simplest flat caveson to a new braided caveson, and from the most traditional to the most innovative, we know you will find a suitable solution to meet you and your horse’s needs.
All our cavesons have been tested by horse trainers to ensure that they function well, fit the horse properly, and meet the necessary needs. Some of these horse trainers that have tested for us include:
- Smith Lily, Mercer Springs Farm
- Johnny Ryan, Ryan Show Horses
- Nelson Green, Nelson Green Stables
- Brian Murch, Strawberry Banks Farm
- Gary Dearth, Pine Ridge Arabians
- Jim Stachowski, Stachowski Farms
- Melissa Moore, Sunrise Stables
- Joel Kiesner, Kiesner Training
- Bret Day, Grey Ridge Farm
In addition, our show cavesons are legal under the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) rules for the show rings of the American Saddlebred, Morgan, and Arabian horse industries.
Here are some of our most popular cavesons:
- The Classic Flat Caveson: Simple and clean, this caveson is exactly as it sounds, made from English Bridle leather and lays flat on the horse’s nose. It compliments the finest head with a no pinch buckle system and fits well under a work or show bridle.
- The Draw Tight Caveson: Popular among all breeds, this caveson has the same smooth finish as the Classic Flat Caveson but offers the option to tighten the chin piece from both ends, reducing any chance of pinching under the horse’s chin as the caveson is tightened. A draw tight caveson with a padded chin is also offered in our Advantage Comfort Training Equipment collection.
- The Braided Caveson: This caveson is gaining fast popularity in the show ring. Made from braided English bridle leather, over a rawhide core, this caveson is gentle, yet effective. Available in two sizes, this caveson is also newly available with an adjustable nose piece.
- The Corrective Caveson: A caveson that is extremely effective for horses that switch their jaws. Built on the body of a draw tight caveson, it has a separate leather-covered, metal chin plate that gives the horse a place to rest his jaw. A separate adjustment strap allows for a fine-tuned fit for comfort and maximum performance.
- The Raised Hunt Caveson: This beautiful caveson was made to match our Hunter Double and Hunter Snaffle Show Bridles. Simple, yet elegant, this caveson is made from soft and supple leather, with hand-stitching across the nose. The no pinch system allows for ultimate comfort in the show ring. A matching breastplate is also available.
Freedman’s is constantly developing and testing new cavesons with horse trainers across the country! When using our ‘Build Your Own Bridle’ option for your show double bridle, the caveson can be traded out for almost any of our available options.
Need more info? Check out this video that offers a few samples of our cavesons and browse them all out online at FreedmanHarness.com.