Articles & Blogs #TeamFreedmans Trainer Incentive FAQ
Thank you for signing up for the #TeamFreedman’s Trainer Incentive Program. If you have enrolled in the program and received your account confirmation email, then this FAQ will be helpful in getting you started on earning your Trainer Incentive credits...
Who can participate in this program?
You may only enroll in the #TeamFreedman’s Trainer Incentive Program if you are a professional horse trainer, instructor, or lesson program manager. Amateurs and individuals who do not have a client base may not enroll.
Who do I promote my trainer incentive referrals to?
This program is designed for your clients to make purchases that give you trainer incentive credits using the referral options (link, code, or link to your 'My Tack Room' store. You should promote your referral options to your clients and host on your website and social media sites.
What products do I earn trainer incentive credits on?
You can receive trainer incentive credits on any horse furnishings in the Freedman’s online store.
Apparel, handbags, travel bags, belts, gloves and small leather goods such as wallets and key chains, cleaners and conditioners, custom plates and gift cards are all EXCLUDED from this program. In addition, anything under our ‘Rider Apparel’ and ‘Luxury Lifestyle’ Collections on the website is also EXCLUDED.
How much do I earn from each product purchased with my referral?
You will earn 5% of each total purchase on HORSE FURNISHINGS ONLY when your client uses one of the three referral options.
How do I earn trainer incentive credits?
You can earn trainer incentive credits three different ways. On your dashboard, you will see three different options:
- Trainer Referral Link: This link will take your clients to the Freedman’s home page to shop. When your clients use the referral link to shop, you will earn trainer incentive credits. They will know they are shopping through your referral link by the bar at the top of the screen.
- Shop: This is where you can set up your ‘Tack Room’ mini-store. You’ll be able to choose and customize only the Freedman’s products that you want to show up in this mini store. This will help your clients to purchase exactly what you want them to. When they shop in this store, you earn trainer incentive credits.
- Trainer Referral Code: Your clients can use this code at checkout when not using the other two links for you to earn trainer incentive credit. Please note that your clients DO NOT receive a discount of any kind when they use this code.
It should be noted that you WILL NOT earn credits on your own purchases; only those purchases made by your clients in one of the three ways listed above, on the products listed in this FAQ. Also, any product promotions offered to clients via the freedmanharness.com website, email, social media, in person, or print will not be eligible to receive trainer incentive credits.
How do I redeem and use my trainer incentive credits?
Every time your client(s) makes a purchase in one of the three referral options mentioned above, your referral earnings will be added to your “Amount Pending” located under the Payments tab. When you are ready to redeem your #TeamFreedmans Trainer Incentive you can choose how much you would like to redeem. Redemptions can only be generated as a Store Discount Coupon Code, so you will need to know how much your purchase will be prior to redemption (do not include shipping charges). Just click on “Redeem” in the Payments tab and select how much you would like to redeem. A Store Discount Coupon Code will then be generated and can be used on your next purchase**. Discount codes will remain under the Payments tab until they are redeemed and there are no due dates set to use your discount codes.
**Please note that only 1 discount code can be used per order. The system does not permit the use of multiple discount codes for one order. Also, note that you will lose any amounts in your discount code that are more than what you need to redeem, so make sure you ONLY redeem the correct amount needed for that purchase.
If you choose to gift your credit to someone in your barn, you will not earn any referral credit on the purchase they made when they redeem your payout in the form of a discount code.
Do I have to pay shipping on my purchases when I use my trainer incentive credits?
Yes, you will pay shipping on your orders when you use trainer incentive credits.
How do I set up the ‘My Tack Room’ mini-store?
When you navigate to your affiliate dashboard, there is a middle option that says ‘Shop.’ You will click the pencil to navigate to a page that will allow you to add products to your mini-store. Under the drop down, you will want to select ‘Show Selected Products.’ From there, you can search the specific Freedman’s products that you want to include in your mini-store. You will select ‘Add’ on these products and when you are finished, click ‘Save’ at the top right-handcorner of the page.
When you navigate back to your trainer incentive dashboard, click the link under ‘Shop’ to see your ‘My Tack Room’ mini-store and the products that you selected should be viewed and now available to your clients.
What is the purpose of the ‘My Tack Room’ mini-store?
This helps you create a landing page that you can send to your clients to ensure that they are purchasing the products that you would like for them to use. You can host this link on your own website and social media and collect trainer incentive credits when your clients use this link to purchase horse furnishings.
Do my clients earn any discounts through this program?
No, this program is designed only for you, as a professional, to earn incentive credits.